Sunday, May 27, 2007

A few days ago I got a call.

It was a harpist. She plays arpa doppia, lirone and other interesting old instruments.

And she said: I'd like to do a concert with you. I really like how you sing and perform.
Wow, magnificent.
I say: Perfect, no problem, I'd love that.
She: Do you have time on 20th July.
I am thinking what I have and what not. I know I have some opera rehealsals.
Then she continues: 2008.
Me: What? Hahaha, sure I have!

That's that then. We met already and talked about the repertoire. We'll perform on he Wold harp Congress in Amsterdam 2008.

I love having concerts!


ka-ma said...

Now you can add to your CV: "Currently I am very busy and already booked one year ahead."

ambala said...

Haha! just got another concert for March 2008... good!

ka-ma said...

You are on the roll, babe! Congrats!