Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My sister is pregnant! I'm so happy! Yippi!!!

I've known for a while, but in the beginning there are always - or can be, complications. So I did not want to really put it out there. Now things seem to be going well. For the Slovenian speakers, you can read her interesting blogg here:


I am going to be an uncle. UNCLE! Don't really know what that actually means and entitles... But I wanna be the greatest uncle ever. And Cmoko the other greatest uncle ever!! We wanna take the child to holidays and buy him all the expensive gifts, just to annoy the parents, while we spoil the child completely. Heh heh!

I hope I can be around enough. It's a difficult relationship when one is very far away. I guess I'll just have to make it up for when I'm not there.

But do I want a child? Do we want to have a child. Always a difficult question when it comes to gay couples. I believe I do and Cmoko also. At the moment we're to busy getting our lives sorted out, busy with our careers. And then? Will I be too old. Obviously we would adopt. But I don't want a child to have a grand-father for his father.

There's another question: gay people cannot have children. Especially not men. So are we forsed to completely renounce these natural feelings just because two men cannot conceive a child? Is it the doing of a society? Or do gays just love themselves, their money and the whole gay (in the original sense of the word) lifestyle?

When I was a kid I always wanted a child so that someone would continue the tradition in which I was brought up. That someone would continue my line. That I would not leave this world forgotten. Is that bad? I reckon it's really quite natural (and I really mean natural). We are made to procreate so that we continue the species. It's really quite selfish. Well, we're doing something for the race, not just us personally.

So perhaps these thought are completely legitimate. But they are surely not enought a reason to have a baby. The child ought to be a crown of a realtionship. Should be the product of love. Should be wanted and loved. Should be the most unselfish act of your lives!

I love my sister and am so happy for her! Go girl! You deserve the happines you have. You are going to be the greatest mum! Big kiss!!


ursa said...

Yay! :) Congratulations! It's such a sweet experience to come upon someone so excited about new life like you seem to be.

Plus - you bring up the other interesting thing (to me anyway) ... that so many gay couples have such a definite wish to have children. Nothing surprising about it of course, but at the point in time where we (as in "the society") are now (and between the shadows I walk through these days) surely at least a very interesting theme for a chat.

Being an uncle sounds ... so you :)

Freycha said...
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Freycha said...

Hej bratec...... fuulll lepo, hvala.....

Cmoka!! Rada te imam!

In ti obljubim, da boš lahko mojega otroka razvajal do onemoglosti, ker mu ne bo nič škodovalo malo "umetniške roke" ;-)) in malo razvajanja...

ambala said...

urša: i am trully happy! It almost as if it was mine.

Well, to be honest, I was less happy when it was mine. And no, I'm not a gaydad... ;))

Anonymous said...

congrats! my boyfriend's got a nephew and a niece (he adores the kids but i spoil them all the way :)))). good luck to your sister... and a lot of fun with the kid to you and your Cmoko!

Freycha said...

Thanks Aleks!!

Ambala's sister
Freycha ;-)

ka-ma said...

Cestitam, stric Ambala! Mamici Freychi bom pa na njen blog napisala...