Wednesday, October 04, 2006

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love libraries!!! All that knowledge. Well sometimes a pile of crap too, but generaly tons and tons, meters and meters of books, all with different tenor, personality, wisdom or perhaps just plain old entertainment. And you just walking about, finding thing you never even thought they exist. Books like: Hyperfunctions on hypo-analytic manifolds, or Some approximations to the exact distribution of sample autocorrelations for autoregressive moving average models . I love them in German too, they sound sooo scientific Aspekte zeitgenössischer Realismustheorie : besonders des bundesdeutschen Sprachrealismus.
And then the ones I love to read: Pippi Longstocking or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Heh heh. But seriously (apart from the fact that the two books above are amazing). I just love to browse through books and find things I never thought I'd know. And now I do. I might forget it in two days, but that's beside the point. :)) Everyone should have a passion for something. Mine in knowledge. mmmmmmm boooooooks

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