Saturday, September 30, 2006

Was weird waking up and getting out of bed without Cmoko. To have breakfast alone. Felt so lonsome the whole day. Did not feel like the years before when I was here alone. Felt somehow even more strange. But am happy since he comes back tomorrow. Yupiiiii. Apparently the wedding was a success. Did not hear of a big fiasco and the couple is not thinking about the divorce.heh heh Which is great.

Was looking at the wedding rings online today. We have the rings chosen already, and I wanted to see them again. So I went to check it online. And then I saw it!! Oh my god, there it is!! WOW And then I saw another one and went: no, it's this one. And then another one that looked almost the same as the first two. Goddam, I have no idea now anymore which one is THE one. uaaaaaa... and I thought that I'd recognise it the moment i'd see it. Oh well. I bet the photos are really pants. And when I see it live it'll all come clear like a nice sunny spring day.

Had a great dinner with Liebling and Monsieur Baker, and had a discussion about the Wednesday missunderstanding with Milady. Well sometimes friends act like absolute wankers and sometimes the patterns from the past make us react in a certain way. In order to change that we would really have to work hard on our social skills, but who is ever prepared to do so. Well I am... trully. It's worth fighing for people one cares about!

Still no photos, will be uploaded on Sunday... when Cmoko comes home, hurrah!

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