Saturday, September 23, 2006

Weird day today. Went to bed at one and had to get up at 8AM. I love snoozing with my Cmoko by my side. Just to be aware that he is there, next to me in bed and all wraped up in the duvet. So that I can wrap myself around him too and fall asleep for anther 10 minutes. And then the radio starts again. Argh!

Took the train and tried to read, but was alas! not distracted by another interesting man, but by my sleep. I could not practise well and also the rehearsal was not my best ever. But hey, you cannot have it all, ah?

Went to the concert of a choir and was really nice. It's strange being in a foreign country listening to a choral music of your homeland. Give a special kind of feeling. Music really evokes the most hidden and private emotions. If you're open enough for that.

After coming home Cmoko, having bought another 5 CDs - two operas, started putting them in order. And he wants everything alphabetically (and so do I to be honest), which with a growing amount of composers in our discoteque presents a bit of a problem. Which results - as you can clearly see - in rearranging the whole cd shelf. Some people have time on their hands ;))


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